ATF Goudy Old Style 178
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ATF Goudy Old Style 178

The 14 pt. Goudy Old Style is no longer available in full fonts. We do have sorts available for most of the lowercase and accented caps and lowercase.
"Goudy Oldstyle 178, 12 pt. 17A Caps"
The original Goudy Oldstyle cast from the original ATF mats held by the Carey Library at the Rochester Institute of Technology and loaned to the Dale Guild Type Foundry for casting. Also available but not listed here, are Greek characters, and many accented characters, both cap and lowercase.
"Goudy Oldstyle 178, 12 pt , 38a Lowercase"
178-12L Quantity
"Goudy Oldstyle 178, 12 pt 13-1 Figures, Oldstyle Figures or Lining Figures"

Both the Oldstyle figures and lining figures are available. ATF normally shipped lining figures and held the Oldstyle figures at the foundry as a special order. Please specify which style of figure is wanted.